Sunday, August 9, 2009


Hey listen,
I’m sorry things didn’t go the way they should have the last couple of days. To tell you the truth I just feel lucky I got to spend the time with you, whatever time that might have been. I liked doing it down there because I have a lot of memories in what to me will always be our house. My jealousy of your new life without me will never go away I can only simply not let my emotions I have for you control me anymore. I will always love you it’s just I have to focus on things that matter for my life now as you have done for yourself. If there is one thing you have taught me it’s to only worry about myself and to stand like a rock.Girls or any women in general won’t be part of that. Not to say that I won’t ever have another girlfriend or lover but you were my wife and if this gives you any comfort take note that when I said forever that’s what I meant. You and only you will always have my heart but that means I have to bury it somewhere deep inside of me now. At this point you're probably saying what is he bringing all this up for? I’m doing it because I love you sooooo much that I have to let you go. I don’t know if you know what that means or if you will ever feel for someone the way I feel for you but I remember a time when we used to say I love you more and I guess it’s true, there is always one person in a relationship that wants it more than the other one. I spent like whole life watching the sun go down and the stars come up, just being alone and thinking about things, life, you, me. It was difficult for me, there were a lot of memories to go through by myself but I have to do something now that makes me tear up again just thinking about it. I can’t be your friend. It hurts too much. Not being around you per say but just knowing that I’m not part of your life. I know you’re better off without me and that’s the only thing that really gives me comfort I guess. But don’t feel sorry for me, I am what God means me to be. I’m only poring myself out to you this one last time because you deserve my honesty and you will always have my loyalty. Even if this message to you goes by the way side I will know that you will know this. I loved you (even though our love for each other kind of got distor ted). I love you now and I will love you forever. No matter what because what I have for you is unconditional and without limitations. You have simply consumed my soul completely. So now that I have made a complete fool out of myself I want to ask you for one last thing. If you remember “us” remember the better times. I know I’m going to miss that passion, that no one could tear us apart but us. You take care of my girl, and if you still have all my emotional letters to you print this one out, fold it up and put it on the top, then do yourself a favor and get rid of them.With all my heart and soul my Love.

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